There are two methods to install Dyna Beads in Fleet tyres.
The Applicator method is not normally used due
to the quantity of beads normally required for large
truck tyres.
Over the years, users have found the two
methods below to be the favored approach to installing
the beads. It's
quick and reliable.
This is the Standard method applicable to most car tyres.

1. Carefully apply bead lube to the tyre in the area shown only using the method shown.
DO NOT twirl the swab in a circle as most mechanics do. This will fling bead lube into the tyre. If any bead lube gets into the tyre, IT MUST be wiped out with water. Never coat the rim.

2. Install the first tyre bead over the rim.

3. Using scissors, cut the seal off of the bag. You must do this whether you are using the Bag In tyre method or the Pour In method.

4. This is what you will place inside the tyre.

5. If using the Bag In tyre method, gently place the bag upright against the outer wall,
and opposite the valve stem.

6. If using the Pour In method, this is what it should look like. Remember, it's extremely important to place the beads or the bag opposite the valve stem. If you don't, the air blast will blow the beads around and they may get stuck between the tyre bead and the rim.

7. Install the top tyre bead onto the rim.

8. When you go to seat the tyre bead, it can be done horizontally or vertically.
In either case, keep the beads on the opposite side of the valve stem.

9. Simply pressurize to spec, and you're ready to roll!